Interested in Becoming a YPHA Member?

Fill out your details below and one of our team will get back to you.
Applicants must be under 35, live in the UK and either work in horticulture or be studying for a horticulture-related qualification.

Becoming a member will give you access to all of our online and in-person events, access to our interactive Discord group and a free membership package.

  • All members' information is securely stored in a document accessible only to our founders and the Membership Manager.

  • Please fill out the form below; afterwards, we'll send you membership application form that need completion before adding you to our social channels.

  • Within three months of joining, all members will receive a membership package.

  • Please note, we retain the right to remove any member from the group due to inappropriate behaviour, upon reaching the age of 35, or upon ceasing employment in horticulture.

YPHA Coolings