Meet our 10 Successful Delegates

  • Goes by: Leif

    Job Title: Horticulture Careers Promotions Officer

    Where: RHS

    What is your dream job title? Horticultural Careers Leader

  • Tell us something you think you’ll bring to the LSC: I'm hoping the strong communication and project management skills I've been able to hone in my career so far will prove an asset to my team.

    Why did you apply to the LSC? The opportunity to experience the industry first hand and better understand the many diverse roles within it so I can be better informed to inspire the next generation of budding horti's!

    What’s one thing you’ve gained from being a YPHA Member? As someone who made a career change into the horticulture industry, I found myself seeking a community and support network to navigate this new adventure - the YPHA provided just that and more.

  • What’s an interesting fact about you, in Horticulture? I'm a product of nominative determinism - with a name like Leif it was only natural I've always loved plants, and a matter of time until I found my way in to the industry!

    What’s an interesting fact about you, outside of Horticulture? I once made it to the final round of interviews to go on bake off, but couldn't go on the show because I have a nut allergy

    What 3 things would you bring with you if you were stuck on a desert island? A good book, a box of Yorkshire tea, and a pack of nasturtium seeds

  • Goes by: Grace

    Job Title: Social Media Manager and Seasonal Ecologist

    Where: New Barns Nursery and Jacobs

    What is your dream job title? My dream has always been to work for myself, I see myself running my own business and being involved in public engagement such as broadcasting and public events to bring the joy of plants to more people.

  • Tell us something you think you’ll bring to the LSC: I have a wide variety of work experiences, both home and abroad, from amenity horticulture, to public engagement, teaching and also content creation. I’m a generally well-rounded person who loves an exciting challenge like this one. I think working at New Barns Nursery will be especially helpful in understanding the customer perspective when launching the new plant next year!

    Why did you apply to the LSC? I wanted to change the direction of my career in horticulture to be more business-focused and give myself the necessary skills to work freelance. I plan to make the most of this opportunity to learn from some of the best in the industry. I’m really looking forward learning from the other delegates and the wonderful mentors on the programme.

    What’s one thing you’ve gained from being a YPHA Member? I’m gradually building a strong network of plant-passionate young people which has opened doors to opportunities in horticulture and has given me a real sense of community and belonging within the group.

  • What’s an interesting fact about you, in Horticulture? I’ve met some of my favourite horticulture content creators that really inspire me such as the Cloud Gardener and Ben Newell from Worcester Terrariums. I even won a terrarium from Ben at last year’s Malvern Hills Show during his Terrarium workshop!

    What’s an interesting fact about you, outside of Horticulture? I’ve been lucky enough to teach English in both Japan and South Korea, spending time in two of my favourite cities in the world Tokyo and Seoul.

    What 3 things would you bring with you if you were stuck on a desert island? I’d bring a water purifier, solar panel system to charge batteries and a satellite phone. Hopefully with these I won’t be staying on that island too long, I’ve got plants to tend to back home!

Grace Thornton
  • Goes by: Will

    Job Title: Gardener and Garden Design Student

    Where: I’m self employed, I run a business called The English Country Gardener.

    What is your dream job title? Difficult question! Definitely a managerial position within horticulture.

  • Tell us something you think you’ll bring to the LSC: I have some business knowledge and experience but I’m keen to learn more. I think that I have a great eye for detail but most importantly I have the enthusiasm and passion to progress in horticulture.

    Why did you apply to the LSC? It is an incredible opportunity to learn from some really knowledgeable people and to help me reach my full potential.

    What’s one thing you’ve gained from being a YPHA Member? A sense of community and to be around so many likeminded passionate people. They also offer so many great opportunities too.

  • What’s an interesting fact about you, in Horticulture? When I got my first job in horticulture, I would always wake up before the alarm went off because I was so excited to start the day. That’s when I knew that this was the career for me.

    What’s an interesting fact about you, outside of Horticulture? I’m a really adventurous cook and I love to make new things.

    What 3 things would you bring with you if you were stuck on a desert island? My dog, a bbq and beer!

Beth McEvoy
  • Goes by: Beth

    Job Title: Plant Health & Seeds inspector

    Where: APHA

    What is your dream job title? Business Owner

  • Tell us something you think you’ll bring to the LSC: I do lots of engagement with the public, which means I can chat to just about anyone! I love talking so I'd enjoy pitching an idea.

    Why did you apply to the LSC? I want to nurture skills that people might not necessarily link to horticulture, and show people that working with plants is fun

    What’s one thing you’ve gained from being a YPHA Member? I've met a community of great like-minded young people who I can nerd out with about everything plant related.

  • What’s an interesting fact about you, in Horticulture? I helped CloudGardener plant his ginnel garden for Tatton Flower show last year- one of the most rewarding experiences in my career so far! It was amazing to see how a show garden comes together.

    What’s an interesting fact about you, outside of Horticulture? I used to be a professional makeup artist, which means I've met lots of celebrities & seen enough drama for a lifetime.

    What 3 things would you bring with you if you were stuck on a desert island? My cat, Spinach, because we can't be apart. A carabiner- they always come in handy. Probably a big spoon for eating, scooping (potential weapon)

  • Goes by: Clou

    Job Title: Horticultural Nursery Assistant

    Where: Hartley's Nursery

    What is your dream job title? Head Gardener of a Kitchen Garden

  • Tell us something you think you’ll bring to the LSC: My degree (going back a bit now) was in Community Theatre, I also qualified as a Primary School teacher along the way, and from these pathways ultimately I learnt that I love working with people; joining the dots between ideas with a team, and being creative!

    Why did you apply to the LSC? I decided 2024 should (eventually) be the year I did some scary/new/exciting things outside of my comfort zone… (starting a brand new career being the first step on that journey) and this ticked all the boxes!

    What’s one thing you’ve gained from being a YPHA Member? So much! In a round-about way, I gained my job for starters, also lots of new friends and so many up-coming experiences to look forward to!

  • What’s an interesting fact about you, in Horticulture? I actually completed my Year 10 school work experience in a Garden Centre and loved it, I have an allotment garden and love growing my own veg, it just took me a good 15 years or so to realise that horticulture was the career path I should be on - got there in the end, eh!

    What’s an interesting fact about you, outside of Horticulture? I drive a bright yellow car.

    What 3 things would you bring with you if you were stuck on a desert island? A hammock, tea bags and custard creams #priorities

  • Goes by: Olivia

    Job Title: Office and Stock Process Manager

    Where: James Coles Nurseries

    What is your dream job title? Director of Operations

  • Tell us something you think you’ll bring to the LSC: Analysing data, such as cost analysis. I enjoy working with data and calculating margins.

    Why did you apply to the LSC? It's a brilliant opportunity to gain experience and mentorship that you'd never get elsewhere.

    What’s one thing you’ve gained from being a YPHA Member? I've met so many other young, enthusiastic horticulturists who share knowledge and uplift one another.

  • What’s an interesting fact about you, in Horticulture? I found out very shortly before working for a Christmas Tree grower, that I am very mildy allergic to them! Gloves are definitely my best friend at Christmas.

    What’s an interesting fact about you, outside of Horticulture? Before I ventured into horticulture, I did a BA in History focusing on Victorian satire.

    What 3 things would you bring with you if you were stuck on a desert island? My dog, my favourite book, and some good SPF.

Olivia Blackburn
  • Goes by: Ella

    Job Title: Level 3 Horticultural Apprentice

    Where: Buckfast Abbey

    What is your dream job title? Head gardener, garden designer, nursery supervisor … I’m still discovering the path within horticulture that I want to follow.

  • Tell us something you think you’ll bring to the LSC: I think that my qualifications in art and product design complement my on going horticultural training through the transferable skills whilst enabling confidence in my creativity. This will be useful for the LSC programme.

    Why did you apply to the LSC? I applied for the LSC because I want to expand and strengthen my skills to enhance myself as a horticulturist.

    What’s one thing you’ve gained from being a YPHA Member? Through being a member I have gained a network of other young people in the horticultural industry where I am able ask for advice and share ideas.

  • What’s an interesting fact about you, in Horticulture? I rediscovered my passion for horticulture during my product design A-Level where I designed a ‘hydroponic curtain’ - a hydroponic system mounted in a window recess.

    What’s an interesting fact about you, outside of Horticulture? I have carried out animal conservation research in Madagascar. Including projects on butterflies, lemurs, birds, amphibians and others.

    What 3 things would you bring with you if you were stuck on a desert island? I would bring a radio, seed potatoes and a knife.

Jacob Hatch
  • Goes by: Jacob

    Job Title: Sales Assistant

    Where: Cowells Garden Centre

    What is your dream job title? Manager

  • Tell us something you think you’ll bring to the LSC: I think I’m a people person more than anything. I can navigate different people and different situations.

    Why did you apply to the LSC? For a chance to better myself and learn even more.

    What’s one thing you’ve gained from being a YPHA Member? Confidence.

  • What’s an interesting fact about you, in Horticulture? I dropped out of school around 16 and worked with my mother who has her own soft landscaping business. I went from there really. I am also the youngest member of staff at my work place.

    What’s an interesting fact about you, outside of Horticulture? I used to play football at fairly decent level. Northern county at least.

    What 3 things would you bring with you if you were stuck on a desert island? Boat. Captain. Map. Although I couldn’t be stuck on desert island, I’d lose my mind far too quick.

  • Goes by: Laura

    Job Title: Horticulture Lecturer

    Where: Pershore College

    What is your dream job title? Horticulture Advisor

  • Tell us something you think you’ll bring to the LSC: I am a self-professed problem solver. I thrive in busy environments and often think outside the box. If one solution does not work, it does not take long for me to find alternative solutions.

    Why did you apply to the LSC? To gain skills that no horticultural course is able to teach, and put into practice theory I have learned and been unable to see taking place in real life situations.

    What’s one thing you’ve gained from being a YPHA Member? I have been able to take part in opportunities that would not have been available had I not been a member of the YPHA, such as taking part in RHS Chelsea Flower Show this year. I have also gained a close network of friends within the industry, which is valuable for someone who is often lone working.

  • What’s an interesting fact about you, in Horticulture? Whilst going through the process of changing career, working in hospitality and studying the RHS level 2 diploma, I was lucky enough to meet Alan Titchmarsh. I snuck into the main hall, skipping my break to listen to his speech and I am glad I did, as it left me with advice that I still follow to this day. We each have our corridor to walk down on our career journeys and it is important not to walk straight to the door at the end of the corridor. Open as many doors along that corridor as possible, some of them may even help reach that "end goal" we all set ourselves. And so, here I am, continuing to take every opportunity that falls into my path.

    What’s an interesting fact about you, outside of Horticulture? I lived in Japan for some time and worked as a ski instructor. I suppose this was my first inkling that I needed to be outside.

    What 3 things would you bring with you if you were stuck on a desert island? The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy so that I am reminded not to panic; sunscreen and lots of it, my Scottish genes don't fair too well in full sun; and tea, I can't function without a morning brew.

  • Goes by: Molly

    Job Title: Assistant Gardener

    Where: Cottesbrooke Hall & Gardens

    What is your dream job title? Head Gardener

  • Tell us something you think you’ll bring to the LSC: When working on a large Private Estate, continual maintenance is required to keep the garden at such high standards. I am good at recognising issues and quickly rectifying them by paying close attention to detail.

    Why did you apply to the LSC? I applied for the Launch Success Challenge because I believe there is a large skills shortage currently present in the horticultural industry that links people with a passion for plants and the application of knowledge in strategic business and through the completion of this challenge, we will be able to unite these skill sets.

    What’s one thing you’ve gained from being a YPHA Member? The membership of the YPHA is a broad slice of all aspects of the industry and in the short time I have been a member and a part of this community, I have made connections with many young horticulturalists keen to share their knowledge and experiences.

  • What’s an interesting fact about you, in Horticulture? My interest in horticulture originally stemmed from learning about gardening from an early age from my Grandad who is a keen amateur gardener but over time our roles have now reversed and I now find myself being their honorary head gardener! He encouraged me to begin my horticultural career at the age of 16 in a local nursery and since then I have expanded my experiences and currently work on a large private estate.

    What’s an interesting fact about you, outside of Horticulture? I am a very competitive rounders player for a team within Market Harborough Ladies Rounders League.

    What 3 things would you bring with you if you were stuck on a desert island? A pack of veg seeds, a penknife and a sleeping bag.
